Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 2

Hello Everyone!

This starts week number 2 of my blog. Thought I would give you a little update with what my week has brought me.

So my interview with IHC was a total failure ha ha. Thanks to dumb girls who just like to kiss up to everyone. Oh well. My best friends brother-in-law got me a job at APX so that has made me happy!

Last week was a busy and fun one, mainly just hanging out with Karlee and doing all sorts of crazy things. Me and my parents got tickets to fly back to Boston to see my brother and his family, I'm very excited for it :)

So yeah that was pretty much my week!! By the way: Knight and Day was a crazy good movie, go see it.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Starting Over- My Long Path

Hello Again,

This shows its my first post, but its not. Now that I looked back on my H1N1 post, I realize it was really dumb haha. So I decided to just start it all over again! So here we go.

So I have gotten a lot of questions lately from family and friends about what my life consists of right now, and what plans I have for my education/career!

Well life right now is just great! I live in Orem, in some crappy apartments just off the freeway. Not for long though, hopefully I will be moving soon! I'm excited to go look for a new place. I currently work for a security agency called Allied Barton, where I do security for Convergys. I only work Friday/ Saturday nights from 12 AM to 8 AM. I love staying up late, but this job has got to go. I pretty much just babysit the building. I have to sit in a chair for 8 hours, and watch monitors. I don't have a weapon, or spray or anything, those are not allowed. I am just suppose to be there I guess?

Hopefully I worked my last shift there today. I have an interview with IHC on Tuesday! I swear I turned in over 200 applications there, and just barley got a call for an interview. So that's my "work". But I also work at IHC- American Fork Hospital in the Emergency Room, as a Volunteer. I work the first and third Mondays there. I help the triage nurse check patients in, take their vitals, and help the nurses and doctors in the back if they need anything. Out of all the jobs I have, it is defiantly the best. Even though I don't get paid for it, I enjoy being there and doing that type of work. Its crazy to see all the different people who come in with pages and pages of medical problems and medications. Just makes you think about how lucky you are to have good health!

So that's what I do three days of my week haha. All my extra time I usually spend with my friends, cleaning up my apartment, or looking over my anatomy or physiology books. Despite summer being awesome so far, I'm ready for school to start again haha. I love learning, and cant wait for it to start up.

For those of you who don't know already, I recently changed my major at UVU. I use to be in Exercise Science, but I soon realized that the professors, counselors, and even the classes conflicted with my interests. When I first started school in the fall I thought that I wanted to be a Physical Therapist, I thought it would be cool to be someone out on the field at football games that would run out to the injured players and get them taken care of. And throughout my fall semester I was sure this was what I wanted to do....HA! Spring semester was the wake up call for me to get out of this major. Two of my three classes pretty much made me hate exercise science-Sports Psychology, Motor Learning and Control. I love learning about the body, but I cannot stand psychology. I truly do hate it, and cant see how someone would want to make a career out of it. So learning about how the mind deals with sports, how you learn to move, what your thought processes are when you move, it just didn't work for me.

Anyways, my new major is now Biotechnology. I am more then halfway done with my core classes (thank you Itineris!!), and I feel like it will be a more enjoyable subject for me, due to the increased focus on research, which I love to do. So as of right now I am set to graduate spring of 2013. It's taking a little longer because of some extra chemistry classes and research internships that I decided to take to help me reach my overall goal of school.....

Medicine. My plan is to be enrolled for the fall 2013 school year at a medical school somewhere. I'm still trying to decide of I want to take the M.D. route, or a D.O. path....any thoughts? I would like to try to get into a joint PHD program, since I would like to spend a great deal of time researching. Needless to say, I will probably be spending 5-8 years out of Utah, unless I can get into the U. For residency I'm not sure what path I would like to take. Maybe Cardiology, or Oncology. Who knows.

So there is the grand master plan! Don't forget to throw marriage in there somewhere, maybe a kid. Only time will tell. But right now I'm just enjoying life!

I'm going to try and post once a week. Kinda keep a journal of this whole process. Anyways....Night